A Learning Journey

Kacy Keutzer

PROFESSIONAL Standards for BC Educators

Here is a link to the Professional Standards for BC Educators: https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/education/kindergarten-to-grade-12/teach/teacher-regulation/standards-for-educators/edu_standards_poster-11×17.pdf

As a future teacher, I hold myself completely accountable to follow these standards that are proposed and implemented by the government of BC. These standards cover all aspects of being a teacher, some of those that you don’t always learn in the education program. They are a guide for all teachers across the province to follow. Unlike some other professions, being an educator is very strict on following professional conduct. As a future teacher I recognize my position as a role model and professional in and out of the classroom. To take part in anything that would put that position at risk would be to jeopardize my career. I vow to give constant recognition to those Indigenous people who have lived on this land for thousands of years before me.

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